What do you do when life throws you curve balls? When life takes you by surprise with the unexpected and usually not in a great way? The months of November and December put me to the test, teaching me to surrender to the circumstances and find the good things from my situation, with a perspective of learning and gratitude. As part of my normal routine, at the beginning of each month, I seek to focus on a transformative concept. Before anything happened, the concept I chose for November was:
Things are perfect as they are, so I don’t fight them.

On October 31st I woke up and I could not get out of bed! I had excruciating pain in my low back and I could hardly move. I did not understand what brought this on. I have never had low back
problems in my life. It was absolutely debilitating. Over the next three weeks, things continued to get worse. I couldn’t work, drive, or even sit in a car. Daily activities such as getting dressed took forever and shockwaves of pain riveted through my body. I went from a very active lifestyle to being unable to sit - overnight! I went to see a chiropractor, my doctor, and eventually went to the emergency room. Barely able to walk, with nerve pain shooting through my body, I went to physio and massage. It turns out I had a bulging / herniated disc. My physiotherapist said that backs are a LONG process and that the discs more or less just have to heal themselves (unless I wanted to go the way of surgery, which I didn’t). I continued on with my physio / IMS treatments and had severe sciatica. It felt like my hamstrings had been ripped in two lengthwise. So what did I learn, and how did I see my situation as perfect?
I was forced to slow down. A great lesson!
I was forced to ask for help and depend on others (Something I definitely need work on.)
I had bending time with a great friend. It turns out that at that exact time, one of my close friends had some business in town and was staying with me for 6 weeks. She was here at the perfect time. Not only did she help me tremendously by making meals, going grocery shopping and taking care of my cats, we probably got to spend more time together than if I had been about my regular work schedule and other activities.
Time with family. My mom stayed we me for a few weeks after my friend’s visit. We had a lot of fun and she helped me out tremendously – driving me to appointments at the Pain Clinic and other places, making meals, getting groceries, and cleaning.
I got a great acting role! I was still able to get a role in a theatre production although I had to audition over FaceTime instead of in person.
My support system was confirmed. Many friends stepped out of the woodwork and made many offers to help out. So many friends were praying for me too! I appreciate everyone’s prayers and offers. I know that so many people have my back!
Relatability. I really get it! I understand what having a herniated/bulging disc feels like and I definitely sympathize!!!
I have incredible new contacts that I can now recommend to my clients and friends:
Physiotherapist and IMS specialist - Cory Garman at the Pain Clinic in West Kelowna
Massage Therapist - Nikki Cornforth at West Kelowna Massage Therapy
Acupuncturist – Tricia Miller at Central Okanagan Massage
Chiropractor – Dr. Kevin Holroyd at Holroyd Family Chiropractor
Rescheduling turned out for the best. I had to cancel my trip to Toronto with my gal pals from Europe. It turns out the reunion wouldn’t have worked anyway due to visa issues and we rescheduled for a better time in January.
It was the best timing for work. It just so happened that I had many clients out of town for most or all of November, so they didn’t have to miss any training sessions. I was also not in a show at this time or had any pressing commitments.
I have learned to embrace and surrender to what is happening and respect the amount of time some things take, such as healing.
I have learned to roll with what life gives you. Sometimes, it’s better to surrender to, rather than fight your circumstances and make them the very best.
I have experienced how God provides – people resources and timing.I can confirm that not everything HAS to get down. Sometimes it’s quite refreshing to get out of the 21st century, Western mindset of crazy-busy schedules of having to get things finished by yesterday.

When you find that life throws you the unexpected and unpleasant curveball, remember that...
We do go through challenges and different seasons in life. You will not remain in this season forever. Better times are just around the bend.
Maybe there are certain messages speaking to you at this time. Life could be saying things such as: “Slow down.” “Pay attention.” “Learn to be grateful in all circumstances.” “Focus on your relationships.” “Notice the gifts you do have.” Whatever it may be, there is often a message (or many messages) for us when we go through trying times. Are we listening?
We only live through each day and moment, one time in this life. If you only have one shot at today, and you have to go through times of discomfort, pain, heartache, and oppression, why not make the very best of it?
Your response can truly change your circumstances. Our response can veto the worst situations in our lives.
Your attitude in challenging times can literally cause you to heal faster or slower. When you focus on positive things, you will find that you can start to spiral up, versus taking the easy, slippery slope down.